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Tuesday 1 May 2012

conversation! again, i din update my blog for almost a month. so, at first, my up was nothing special.LOL. since everything seems normal as i used to faced before. when people talking about my academic, i suppose i'm pretty fine.actually, i have no clear motif on updating this blog, just to renew the older though. all in all, on the other hand i do have something to share with you's all about conversation, irrespective it's general or not. enjoy k.

first common question people always ask me to.

1) how will you act when people call you arrogant?

well, i guess it's normal. arrogant is human necessity. all people are arrogant sometimes, but do notice, not all people are open mind with this bless gift from god. we were thought to be arrogant to certain people in certain conditions. i don't have to give my personal examples, i do know u do have your one. Arrogant sometimes use to protect your rights, from being judged negatively by low-thinking of certain commoners. so there's nothing wrong to be an arrogant as long as you are doing it right with excellent reasons. back to the question, how will I act? personally, i refuse to continue the conversation, whether it's a practical conversation neither it is technical conversation. ya, if you are talking more, people find more mistakes and make those as their point to strong their opinion up about you being arrogant. hahaha, how stay straight to the key, "silent the conversation immediately". only when the time is right, don't miss your chance to re-heat everything again. that's just how you color your life. don't expect something good will always continue to bloom. 

2) how to eradicate or prevent common starts

hahaha, this often happen in a conversation. especially with a person you talking everyday with. how to turn the conversation on in a very different way in every conversation you made? well, i'm no expert, but since they asked, i do happy to give you my humble opinions. if you are having a daily technical conversation, it'll be boring if you starts everything with "what are you doing", "how are you" and etc.. this happens on facebook, twitter, and any other mediums. people tend to ask more unnecessary questions. so to prevent this, always share your stories. it's not wrong to share joys, your interesting moments to people, but do consider the limitation as well. respect your privacy so then people will respect you more. unless you're so close each other, u'll know how to put the limitation between you guys. remember, do share stories. it'll be less fun at first, but train this way in every conversation you are in. 

3) how to reply peoples' comments/posts smartly

easy dear, straight to the point! especially if you are using english, it'll look so lame and over sometimes. but in other cases, you used to have such long flowery reply with your old friends, it's acceptable.  but consider that with people you just know. show a positive perspective about yourself to others and someone new. :)

4) how to maintain the level heat of your conversation?

another common question especially when you are talking with the one you admire the most. hehehe..first is language. make that all the same. do sacrifice, i mean, use language her/his. if they talking in english, do reply in english and so do other language. the rational is quite easy, they can express their selves much more easier in their language they comfort with. they'll be more talkative for sure. second, always give response. the less reply you can give is "uhuh", "okay", "yeah" or use suitable body language. third, allow them to express their opinion freely. do agree sometimes. do not stick and force them to accept your ideology. they'll loose the mood and start getting boring. you bored them! 

ok guys, those four questions answered based on my experience and personal thought. remember, talking and speaking is a gift, use them smartly to connect you to other people.  in time, i'll reply the other questions soon k..hehe..luv you.. :)


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