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Tuesday 3 January 2012


Assalamualaikum...L.O.V.E., that’s what i’m talking about here, in my space...we’ll if you ask me about the meaning, the answers were too subjective. Even the greatest philosopher couldn't came with a real-exact meaning of love..unless, u travel all over the world, collect love stories from various people and come out with one brilliant solution..but it do seems  impossible to hear, not to mention to do..hehe
the true love reveals naturally, and actually you realize by the time you say "i do" to a person,  you actually  elevating them to a special level more than your own best friend! believe me, the feeling was wonderful, it's like just you, your lover and without the world to care get what i meant right?'s mesmerized me when i think about the early stage of saying those three sacred words, L, LOVE and's hard to allow your heart to give a special permission to your brain, and give your mouth to respond, just to say these words. ok, actually i was about to write about my love story, but it's just nice to start with some feeling-touch-internally statement as i did when i say "my love", i'm able to come with my own LOVE's me, love is something you can give to a particular person just for a thing_genuine's hard to picture everything by words when it is actually can be represent by the action with that "emo-sentimantal-inner" actions..only heart know how does the "action" looks like..hehe 
my love's journey was not that bright, as many of you are, it's always cloudy, accessorize with storm and heavy's like not a happy journey to hear, rather to take right? but i do realized, those stormy and rainy are my teachers..i mean, i always brought an umbrella along, so i'm ready to be loved, to give love and mostly to fall in love. 
my last lover was a wonderful person, i give him my worthy trust and suddenly at 1.1.2012, he turned on against our relationship..well, GOD know how do i felt that time. no specific words can represent the situation. but physically i's like ok, i'm not sure about my real entity, the fact that i gave him's not that easy, but i manage to get rid of him slowly..and this thing takes time..
anywho, i wanna share something with you guys, i don't know whether i'm lucky or what, but i found a new lover! i don't know much about him, but i do know he's loyal just how i wish and like. but today, i read his blog, he didn't elevate me as his boyfriend, well, i didn't blame the burden on his shoulder, he read my previous messages with my friends and came with a no-pleasure-statement..but as long as he response, i'll give my best to ensure my relationship ends with a smile ever, not as what had happened  in the previous's hard, but no choice right, give the best, and deserve less is  common to me in any relationship i had. well, that's how i show love, always the one who think i myself was guilty and say "sorry' for every mistake made in my relationship..but my previous lovers did not understand my way, AND i do hope this lover, tengku daniel hafiziee, see the way i love a particular person like him..
at the early statement i did, it's hard to say "i love you" to a person, but now, i'm willing to do so, izzie, hubby sayg kat bebii... 

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