Blogger Widgets
Blogger Widgets

Saturday 31 December 2011

newbie.. :)

 assalamualaikum..hi guys..actually this is my first time on blog, well idk about the actual term, blogger? don't care k..hikhik
but i do realize, blog is a second place to share something in detail even more than your own diary..well, i guess it's yaa..since i'm new on this on..i'm not that master user as u guys, since i don't know..hehe
actually i want to make my page as universal as possible, that's why i wrote everything in english..but don't worry, the next posts i try to be flexible in both english and malay or in the other word, bilingual.
so i do happy to become one of your follower and i do appreciate your kindness of becoming my followers.
 some of u guys knew me via fb, skype or any medium, so get to know me more in this blog if possible..hehe.. :)

the above picture was my new currently, for those who want to know me by my face, u can directly see via my fb or straightly from this blog..hehe
    well, one more thing, since this blog is still in "creating" processes, so the appearances will not as brilliant as yours, but like smart people say, begin something with simple, so practically that's the reason..i'll update the view time-to-time..and i do really hope, someone expert can teach me more about the blog's appearances. well, as an introduction, that's all, i do understand you people are not really interested on reading someone's ridiculous-introduction statement as i did..just say, nice to know you all..ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. ALLAH bless..

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